Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Good bye 2008!

2008 was really a year of ups and downs.

Terrorism was at its peak, financial debacle that left a lot of vacuum (and uncertainties for a lot of us), climatic changes and cyclones..there were all. On the good side, America did vote for change (better late than never), Indian cricket team is going strong, and on a parallel line the Australian supremacy in the game of cricket seems to die out for the rise of other playing countries.

Looking back, 2008 will be remembered as a sad year for the innumerable number of job cuts, coming-to-streets it has been a witness to. The good old American dream was shattered and people like us who are all set to enter into work have no clue of the scenario out there for us.

With a new American government, that has already managed to gain confidence and raise the hopes of the people, at the helm of affairs, CHANGE has to come. Otherwise shoe dealers will make profit as more no. of people show their anger and frustration ;-)

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