Monday, June 29, 2009

I need to write...

This post I am sure will be a different one. Its about why you must blog?!!
I sat down to work on my report today and gosh! my pen wouldn't move an inch!

I was absolutely short of words and that too of words I know for sure. And you know what,
I was shocked to learn how my brain could pop out the hindi words for the same :P

I always enjoyed writing both long and short compositions at school. In college, I have to
write long essays (factual or fictitious) only during the exams and guess with the amount of effort
put in for it dwindling every time, I must get back to some other means (like blogging ) to
keep my interest in writing.

Lo! and here I am writing a blog post after months!

Psst... One another thing I realized... In all its bad state with my vocabulary, my brain was very good when it came to finding errors in a document. How much I love criticizing others! ;)


Alagappan said...

you need to write....

Shyam said...

lol :D Sure I do!